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B-108P Big buckle for knightly or military girdle - with buckle plate
Availability: ON STOCK

Big buckle for knightly or military girdle (with buckle plate)

Dated: 1300-1450

Source: Iconography - tombstones: description soon

Rivets included

Size: A - 3,7 cm; B - 4,5 cm; C - 6,3 cm; D - 7,2 cm


45,00 €
Inni klienci kupujący ten produkt zakupili również

Dated: 1200-1330
Size: A- 2,5 cm, B -3,5 cm, C-4 cm, D-3 cm
Source: a find from England
R.Whitehead, "Buckles"

Material: brass

Dated: 1230-1330
Size: A - 3,6 cm, B - 1 cm, D- 0,4 cm
Source: Iconography - tombstones. Temple Church of London
Dated: 1350-1450
Size: A - 4, B - 4, D - 0,7cm
Source: Sculpture of Sir John d’Abernoun Stoke-d’Abernon (1340) and Sir John de Creke Westley-Waterless (1340)
Dated: 1250-1500
Length: ca. 60 cm
Width: ca. 1 cm
Dated: 1400-1500
Size: A - 1,7 cm, B - 1,2 cm
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